Volunteers needed for events and developmental work

Hi. Some of this may seem familiar, as it’s featured in previous blog posts, but I think it’s good to not only issue it as a reminder, but as a call out to those who have already expressed an interest in Making Minds and those that we’ve met since the April volunteers meeting, to actually…

Guest post – Mischief Managed: ‘My Story’

It’s great to hear from other mental health bloggers and ‘Mischief Managed‘ got in touch with us on Twitter, with details of a post that tells her story of mental illness and her relationship with writing, that comes in various forms. If you’d like to provide a post for the Making Minds blog, just comment…

Mixed emotions as we continue to progress

Right now, things are good in the world of Making Minds. However, the weekend brought news that overshadowed everything. The death of Swansea mental health campaigner Jordana Thomas stopped me in my tracks. I did not know her personally, but was aware of the excellent work she was involved in, particularly with the group ‘People…